Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Ramadhan Diaries - Day 1ll

The day began at 5.00 am where i ate 7 dates and drank 7 glasses of water in the wee hours of the morning.

Seven by the way is an auspicious numbers for most Muslims... we believe in Seven levels of Heaven, We circle the Ka'abah 7 times during pilgrimage etc...

But in all fairness, it doesn't make it any more luckier than the other numbers. :p

From 5.00 am until my morning prayers and until class started at 10, i didn't catch a wink. I wanted to, i so badly wanted to but i had to complete my degree project which is due for submission tomorrow.

In class, i was dropping in and out of semi-consciousness trying to keep up with the lesson. Tax Incentives aren't exactly the most exciting topic around.

We were given a lunch break of one hour... as i sat around thinking of how to kill one hour, i decided to go to the Mosque and read some portion of the Quran, something which i don't usually do often enough...

I find that my mind strays off every now and then, thinking about food...hmm...delicious food... well, i guess its better then thinking about naked women in various positions...

I broke fast with my family at my aunt's house who just got back from Brunei. Had a pretty heavy dinner.

Then we went for Tarawih.

After Tarawih, i reached home, i kept my keys and the next few hours were a blank because i woke up in my parents' bed, in my boxers. And my mum was yelling for me to go bathe and brush my teeth.

Hmmm, i'm blanking out, could be due to the fact that i haven't fasted in a while...


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