Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Thursday, September 14, 2006

WOW, People actually read my Blog??!!

Before i go on any further, i would like to thank all of you who have diligently come to check out my random ramblings on this humble blog of mine.

Now, allow me to explain the reasons behind what i write on my blog.

You see, its my personal blog. And being a personal blog, i don't usually expect people to read it...eheh

Its like my diary lah. Its where i store my thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Whenever something is bothering me, whenever i need to get something off my chest, i write it on my blog. Its Therapeutic for me really. It helps me clear my mind and think clearly.

So whatever you see here on my blog are things which have been bothering me for a while. Once i can't take the pressure anymore, i write it on my blog.. i transfer my problems into this blog.

Now, i did not expect that people would come to read my blog. Never had it ever occured to me that i would have a small following to my blog...

So when i write in my blog, i just write whatever comes to mind, without editing it and without caring the effects it may have on anyone who reads it.

Which brings me to my point:

Yes, obviously my previous post has sent many tongues wagging about the 'good little kid' who suddenly seems like a hormonal teenager.

Well, first of all, i was bothered with those 'evil' thoughts of mine, so i had to write it on my blog so i could get it out of my mind.

Secondly, my fantasies are my own. Don't let it bother you lah! Above all else, i still am a Muslim and i know how to conduct myself around women and girls. I have personal limits which i set for myself. Heck, i even get disgusted by couples who kissy-face in public.

Thirdly, grow up!! At some point in our lives we all have thought about sex and at some point we will do it. Its natural, its our fitrah. God made us such that by instinct we want to reproduce. But of course, the mind must suppress these desires and only allow them when necessary. So to suppress it, to clear it out of my system , i wrote about it.

So, i would like to apologise to all those who were shocked by my post.

But it is still staying up, im not going to delete it. It still is a part of my history.

So, once more, pardon my writing. In the future, i shall for general public consumption...

And once more, thanks for reading my blog... although now i have to be a bit more careful what i put in it.... :p

Anyway, i hope that helped to clear things up!

till the next post then!


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