Now im sure you all know the latest controversy brewing lately...oh well... its not a particularly new issue, its just that wheneve a PAS politicians opens his mouth on Women's dressing, fireworks are bound to ensue.
Yeah... if i had a RM 1 for everytime that issue popped up, i'd be rich by now.
Problem is, people still act like its a big deal... over something so tiny...(literally speaking ;) ).
So now PAS wants to instill a dress code in Kelantan.
Oh the outrage!
The Suffering!
The Humiliation!
But honestly... why bother?
Its not like they are forcing Women into slave labour or drafting all first born sons into military conscription. Although the concept of having a dress code enforced by the law may be foreign and barbaric to some of us, if it works for them... well.. who are we to tell other people how to run their state.
Selangor, although far more developed than Kelantan has been the target of a lot of high profile cases against our leaders. Not a very impressive track record i might say... so if anyone should reprimanding, its our Selangor leaders... their actions have far greater effect than those of a Serban-swathed Ulama' in Kelantan.
Anyway, this debate has brought around the whole 'what is the definition of scantily dressed?' Personally, i don't care what Girls wear... I, like most other hormonal young boys would prefer it if they wore nothing at all... but, of course, that isn't going to happen here...
In my theory, there are various stages of scantily dressed.. they are:
This includes sleeveless tops, medium length skirts and tight jeans. This type of dress aims more to tease and draw short bursts of attention from fellow onlookers. Nothing too revealing, just enough to make guys give a few glances and say 'she's kinda cute!'....
This includes spaghetti straps, near-transparent dresses, miniskirts, hotpants...etc..Scantily revelaing aims to send out a message: 'look at me... but no touching'. This sort of dress demands attention from onlookers. It captures their gaze and makes guys go like 'wow... she's hot...' (assuming of course, the wearer is hot... if otherwise, it would make guys puke in repulsion..).
Scantily-take it off already!!
huhuhuhu... this includes bikinis and any tiny two-piece get-up (think mini tube tops and hot pants). This dress aims to make people stare. Especially if worn in a public area. the effect is less pronounced on the beach... but in a mall... well... rest assured, the men will have a tough time walking. It makes guys go like... 'Ouch.. i wish i wore boxers today...'.
So, im not sure what these Kelantan dress guidelines are but if they are looking for consultants, i wouldn't mind helping out... if it means i get to analyse the levels of scantilyness amongst their womenfolk...hehehehe