Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The right to wear, The Right to stare

When it comes to women and dress, i really have no favourites nor dislikes, in short i couldn't care less.

I doesn't really matter to me if a Woman covers up or doesn't, its her body and its her right to do what she wants with it...

I firmly believe that the likelihood of a woman getting raped/molested/sexually assaulted has nothing to do with her dress.. it mainly has something to do with the man's mind more than anything else.

However, women who dress to reveal must realise that wearing such dresses has its effects.

Effects? Such as?

Such as staring.

Yes. we men like to stare. Especially at whatever patch of flesh we spot on women. Be it bare shoulders, smooth thighs or even the small of their back/butt crack when they bend over or squat down.

Perverted? Depraved? Animalistic?

All fair and dandy if you think that way... Its not like we stare at hours on end, but we stare long enough... until someone notices that we are staring.

Somehow staring has become a social taboo of sorts... here we are surrounded by attractive women who dress revealing with and yet society demands that we don't stare...

Why not?

staring is harmless, its safe and it hurts no one (unless you don't see where you are going and walk into an open manhole).

I believe that if Women have a right to wear,

Men have a right to stare.

Don't think of staring as something carnal and debasing... think of it as a symbol of our appreciation for the woman's choice in dressing, thus we admire her beauty and aspects of her body whilst enjoying her feminine charms...

Of course there are times when staring must be done discreetly (or avoided entirely) such as:

- When the subject of your staring is with her boyfriend/husband
- When you are with your girlfriend/wife (in which case you might want to spend the better part of the day staring at her)

So the next time you catch some one staring, give the poor guy a break and let it be...


At 2:20 AM, Blogger peaches_tedches said...

cool thoughts!i love your blog this time...entirely agreed!hehe.. =)

At 2:09 AM, Blogger didie said...

But there are men staring at unpretty women/the ones that don't know how to pick the right dress to wear right? Is that a show of appreciation too? Hehe..

At 2:09 AM, Blogger didie said...

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At 7:16 AM, Blogger B. Doe said...

I agree wholeheartedly. If a woman chooses a particular outfit because she looks good in it, she shouldn't be surprised when she draws male attention.


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