Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Return

Alas after an absurdly long hiatus, i have returned to my blog.

Apologies to those who have come here, seeking my two sens worth and finding nought.

Truth be told, i was stricken by a serious bout of lethargy after coming back from raya. And exams are next month, which means i should be studying too as well.

Although, i would like to think that i have a firm excuse for not updating my blog, i think a more reasonable explanation is that, im too busy playing games on the PC than for me to be updating my blog.


And yes, according to my previous posting i do know that i have pictures to upload as well.

But other than that i am glad to say that i have awoken myself from my bout of lethargy and am back with my brain switched on.

To flog a dead horse, i feel the subject of corrupt leaders is quite interesting... interesting in the sense that we know these leaders are corrupt, yet we, the people sitll vote them back into power...well, maybe not directly, but indirectly, by voting for people who will put them into power.

I think the problem lies with the fact that most people are disillusioned with the fact that they have the ability to change the leadership, to take charge of their a certain extent.

Most Malaysians of voting age have not even registered to vote. Those who have, often rank voting as a very low priority. Often i wonder, what is required to stir these people from their non-chalance...

Well, now that corruption has been exposed, thanks to this new bout of freedom that we are currently enjoying. It shows a lot of things, things which are not pretty, ugly things. It is much like ripping a bandage off a healing wound. It looks really ugly, hurts like hell, but it heals better without the bandage suffocating the wound.

So now that the bandages are off, let the healing begin.

The elections are coming soon. If you are above 21... register to vote.. and vote for the betterment of our future!


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