Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Ramadhan Diaries - Day 24

Day 24, six more days until the last day of Ramadhan..

sigh, its over so soon...

WEll, not yet though,

Today morning was spent transcribing...the ENTIRE morning, then suddenly, i hit the wrong button on the computer and before you could say 'recover data!' all my hard work was gone...just like that.

Feeling utterly depressed i decided not to look at any transcripts for the rest of the day, instead i decided to do what i always do, blog, yoga, some studying and general moping around.

Ah...moping around.

I had class today. At night..

Today wasn't exactly my day... the trains had some problems, it was slow, and because they were slow and infrequent, people crammed into the trains. Really nasty stuff.

Upon arriving at my stop, it was pouring. Though i am a huge fan of the rain, i prefer not to get too chummy when it pours, i mean it was REALLY pouring. Unfortunately i did not have a choice as i did not prepare my umbrella in advance.

So, giving the rain my best wishes i made a mad dash for my tuition centre from the train station through the rain.

Gotta love the rain.

I froze in class... aircond and wet shirts do NOT go together...

Tomorrow i will be going back to Kelantan, will be there for the next 10 days, will be celebrating Raya (Aidilfitri) there too. Since the internet there is pretty crappy, i may not be able to go online... although, rest assured, i will try my best to go online and keep on blogging all the way until day 30.

But if you don't hear from me, i would like to once again wish Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Deepavali to all my readers!!


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