Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Ramadhan Diaries - Day 18

Well, today is the day.

The day of the interview.

The interview which was given to me at the very last minute .


Anyway, the interview was slotted at 3. So i spent the morning bending myself into shape, Yoga-style. Worked up a good sweat, but i still felt fat. Probably its due to the huge quantities of rice (Carbohydrates!!) and dates (more Carbs!!) which i consume when the Sun goes down.


The interview was at 3. I went in with my best attire and proceeded into what i felt was a very informal interview. I was chatted by an attractive Audit Manager and later the partner was brought in to give me the KPMG sales pitch.

Some conversation was made about my past involvements and i was given the lowdown on the salary structure of a fresh graduate auditor (RM 2100 a month! starting salary).

After the sales pitch, needless to say i was bought... and i so totally wanted in!!

Fortunately i think they were impressed...either that or they were absurdly polite.

I was told that i would be contacted to come back for a psychometric test next week...

oh, the wonders of Ramadhan.

Praise the Almighty!



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