Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Ramadhan Diaries - Day 12

Day 12 of Ramadhan!

TOday was a really slow day. I woke up and i stayed up after Subuh prayers. Spent the morning finishing up some designs and doing some Yoga and installing some printer drivers.

After that, i folded some clothes, did laundry...well... mostly boring, non-world changing stuff lah.

Then i went for Friday prayers! The second one in Ramadhan. The topic of today's sermon was something about the Quran... and its holiness...etc... can't really remember, i was half asleep due to the fact that i had been up since 5 this morning.

AFter prayers which ended at around 2, i got home and pretty much slept the afternoon away, then i cooked...(yes, i cook)

At night, i met my 'client' whom i massaged yesterday, said he was better, but his other leg was acting up, so i did that one too. Got myself RM 20!


THen came another guy, complaining of headaches and well... pretty much a lot of aches. So i massaged him too. But no payment as of yet. I don't really like to push for payment. Said he wanted to continue the treatment tomorrow night...

Well, ok, but if he expects me to massage his entire body, i expect more than RM 20...



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