Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Ramadhan Diaries - Day 8

Sahur consisted of leftover Fish head curry from last night with bread.


I tried my best to sleep after Sahur and Subuh, because i was going to have a class for the entire day, from 10 to 5, however i was too busy updating my blog/ going over some articles that i just stayed up. By the time it was 8.30 it was too late to try and catch any shuteye.

I just willed myself to go to class.

Needess to say i was drifting in and out of a sub-conscious state whilst in class. I think i only managed to absorb about 60 percent of the lesson... which isn't too bad considering we learned about taxation...OHQs, IPCs, RDCs, Shipping companies...that kinda thing.

Iftar was done at my aunt's place in Setiawangsa. This is my mum's sister.

Tarawih was also done at my aunt's place with my Grand Uncle leading the prayers. In between prayers we also got little lectures on the minor details one needs to consider whilst praying.

For those of you who don't know, Muslim prayer is a dynamic activity. We don't crouch and kneel and stuff. Muslims prayer involves standing, bowing, sitting and prostrating with prayer included for each position.

So my Unc was commenting on how to properly perfect our pose and how to recite our prayer properly, pointing out the common mistake made by most Muslims when it comes to prayers.

We spent the better portion of the night at my aunt's place, hanging around, eating and stuff.


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