Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Ramadhan Diaries - Day 5

Woke up late again this morning, however i had a rather large sahur, most of which involved me stuffing down a grilled chicken wrap from last night down my throat.

I didn;t have time to drink much water, an oversight i would soon regret during the day.

As usual, i slept in the morning, this time until about 10.30. Only waking up to go for a meet regarding one of my side projects with the project leader.

Usually i am quite psyched and pumped about such meetings but... today i felt reawlly lethargic and unmotivated...could be my empty stomach speaking.

The rest of the day i just felt thirsty. Really thirsty. So in the afternoon i pretty much bummed around, not doing anything productive really.

Iftar tonight was done at the MOsque. They usually have free iftar for everyone in the area. But the reason we went tonight was because they had Daging Kurma, Ayam Masak MErah and tomato rice. Yum!

Before 'buka' there was a lot of zikir (chanting) and prayers, the basic supplication stuff really.

Then we ate, Then we prayed, then i got back, watched some TV (Alias!!) and went to bed.


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