Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Ramadhan Diaries - Day 7

WOw, it has been 7 days into Ramadhan!

That means it has already been one week!

Which leaves us with only three more weeks until syawal....and we all know what happens when Syawal begins.... well, not all of us... but for those of who don't know, i'll leave you here in a bit of suspense :p.

However the seventh day, despite its auspiciousness (at least i think so....7th day...?) was spent by me mostly sleeping... themost productive thing i did was going to my Mandarin. Oh and i learnt some cool Mandarin Terms:

Fasting: Zhia Jie

Muslim: Hui Jiao/Yi Si Lan Jiao

Apparently Islam in China is commonly referred to as Hui Jiao, which means 'Religion of the Hui people' because apparently practically all of the Chinese from the Hui region/ethnicity are Muslim.... which makes me wonder... maybe we should start referring to Islam in Malaysia as 'Agama Melayu'....

Yi Si Lan Jiao is the proper way of addressing Islam formally in China. (Islam Religion)....Yi Si Lan - Islam... get it?

The rest of the day was spent in bed....i felt really tired...i guess...hehehe

then we had iftar, steamed Salmon head!... really good stuff.

Then at Tarawih i met my Mom's uncle...who is my age actually... he is studying at UIA, Engineering. Strange that we don't see him often, considering that UIA is so close to my place. I guess extended family isn't really a priority for 19 year olds...


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