Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Ramadhan Diaries - Day 9

If there is anything worth mentioning about this day is this:

It was HOT!

Like really hot, really dry and just generally tiring.

Its bad enough for a regular person, but for a person fasting it just becomes a real trial from God.

The day started simple enough with a fairly simple sahur. I had class today at around 10, which meant that i slept from Morning prayers onwards.

The effects of the hear were not so obvious in the morning. What was more obvious was the unbearable cold of the classroom... brrr...

After class, which finished at around 1, i was greeted by the other extreme of extremely hot weather. Imagine a hot and dry day in the centre of KL and imagine not being able to drink or at least eat something cool.

But i persevere!

That day i had to make my way to UM to use the scanner in the lab, which meant i had to take the train, wait in the baking, zinc-roofed bus stop for the bus while the driver took his own sweet time, after which i had to walk a bit more to the lab, under the hot sun... there was practically no wind!

Somehow all these little details seem a lot more pronounced when you're fasting...

Fortunately i got to the lab, exhausted but still with enough energy to scan my pics and do some photoshop.

After that i got a ride back from Mum.

Upon reaching home, i crashed out on my bed from the heat and exhaustion (sounds like a pretty good excuse neh?).

But i woke up in time for iftar (lamb chops!)


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