Behind The Dimpled Demon's Multicoated Lenses

Friday, May 26, 2006

Dressing Up, Dressing Down

In response to a comment posted earlier by the lovely miss Farhana, as to whether dressing up is of importance to me, i have this to say..

Was i horribly dressed that day at KYUEM?

oh, and i recovered my specs


But anyway, much ado about dressing...?

Not to be sexist or anything but i find that girls tend to be more particular with dressing and looking good etc... heck my mum won't even let me go out unless i look 'presentable' to her.

But when mum isn't around... well... i guess i really couldn't care less... of course being a Muslim, i would have to cover certain parts of my body but beyind that, well, lets put it this way...

A shirt is a shirt is a shirt.

A pair of pants are a pair of pants are a pair of pants.

Shoes are shoes are shoes.

there you go.

Although occasionally, depending on the occasion (a date, an important meeting, functions) i do try to dress up complete with colour coding, colour schemes (black is negative, i wear it when i am positive, it offsets my personality creating a harmonious balance, white is positive, usually worn casually when there is no occasion, blue and grey are neutral colours which i usually wear on second meetings/second dates, shoes have to match the top i'm wearing or at least the pants, 'cos my hair is black. Practicality also comes into play, wear white on hot days, black on cold, rainy days, sneakers for sports, walking shoes to look good, etc.. i try to colour coordinate my dressing styles as well)

So when it comes to dressing, thats how i dress..lah

Which brings me once again to my first question

Do i dress badly?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What's Your Excuse?

There comes a point in our lives when some of us feel a need perhaps to contribute, to give back to society.

Honestly, reading about some kids doing something, trying to change the world, etc... does make one question one's self.

'what am i doing?'

So then we go off in pursuit of so-called 'social awareness' trying to go here and there, looking for ways to help out. Trust me, many people do this.

And what happens is that a lot of people lose their steam halfway. Usually because its not what they expected and they feel that they can't do enough. Or perhaps they just don't have the time/effort/energy.

A lot of excuses really.

Excuses to justify why they can't give back to society.

As part of society, we have a duty to help out, to better each other.

Its not about the glory or the fame of coming out in a newspaper

Its about knowing at the end of the day, you did do something, you persevered, braved the challenges and you achieved something. You changed your bit of the world.

Although admittedly sometimes it can be difficult, but we should all help out whatever way we can.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


The unthinkable has happened.... i have lost erh..well, misplaced multicoated lenses!! (my glasses, spectacles)

I just came back home from my aunt's house one day, really tired and stuff and the next thing i remember was sleeping.

When i woke up the next morning, i couldn't find them!!

So i went a single day with no glasses.

Admittedly, my power isn't that high, only about 150 or so, but i found myself straining to look into the distance, checking out hot chicks have become such a chore! i can't admire them from a distance no more! Now i have to get closer and risk blowing my cover.

It gets difficult in class as well, as i'm straining to look at the OHP and the whiteboard... blergh.

I have lost it for 2 days. My eyes are as tired as heck, all bleary and mussed up.

Feel like closing them and just sleep.

This loss has made me realise that i have relied on my lenses for too long to the point where life becomes difficult without them, though i don't REALLY need them.
Might go out to make new ones though.

So now, i find myself naked and exposed to the world, thus making it harder to conceal my feelings etc..

Plus now people can tell how young i really am!!!

shock horrors!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Much ado about dressing

Dressing up, dressing down...

whats the point really?

I mean, as far as i'm concerned, if i have enough cloth to cover my vital parts, fine for me... really!

Why bother going through the process of finding something that fits, or buying the latest fashion or modifying your clothes..

For me, if its affordable and it covers my body well, well, its good enough!

Monday, May 08, 2006


Once again i have succumbed to the evils of peer pressure...

Or rather my boss/friend at the Cicak has gotten me to sign up to myspace..


So im up on myspace, on of THOSE friend/community based websites where people whine if you don't give them testimonials and question you if you don't constantly update your profile...

Plus i heard that it had some fishy paedophiliacs hiding in there....

But i've joined... anyway... totally against my principles... but yet...


peer pressure!!

check it out here:

  • how low can you go...?
  • Coming Soon...

    Sunday, May 07, 2006

    The Dimpled one

    Dimples have often been associated with cuteness or innocence. A person with dimples is often seen as 'nice' or 'goody-two-shoes'.


    If you are one of those people who believe in that association, well, bugger for you.

    Do you watch Alias? Well, if you do, then you would know that Sydney Bristow has dimples. Is she safe? Is she innocent? Hardly.. but i can bet you that the dozens of bad guys she has taken down thought she was cute... before she totally whups their asses!!!

    If you watch Lost, the resident bad boy, Sawyer has dimples and he sure as hell ain't innocent....

    In Malcolm in The middle, Lois, the mother, she has dimples, and she is the meanest, loudest, TV mom ever!!

    but anyway, yeah, dimples

    Dimples are actually a birth defect, it usually happens because the skin on the face is still young. So a lot of people tend to have dimples when young yet they lose it as they get older. However, there are those whoi retain their dimples through adulthood. These 'severe' defects seem to maintain their youthfulness and child-like innocence.

    So if you have dimples, then smile, smile and be proud of them, because they are a valuable asset in everyday life, it melts the hearts of many and it lowers their guard. Use them wisely and do not abuse them, with great power, comes great responsibilities.

    Dimples rock!!!

    Saturday, May 06, 2006

    Exams are next month.. bother,

    Its interesting really how a piece of paper can determine your standing in the eyes of the wrold for the remainder of your natural life.

    Of course there are those few who refused to go through the regular academic route and find themselves successful and stuff.. but for the rest of us mere mortals, exams seem to be a viable way out.

    Exams were first historically recorded to happen in China, during one of those dynaties. Apparently back then, government officials had to sit for exams to qualify for higher posts. If they failed or were caught cheating, they would literally lose their heads, executed on the very nexty morning.

    Well, thankfully there isn't any system that still practices that today but more often than not we hear stories of kids who commit suicide or just burn out because they fail their exams. Most of this can be blamed due to the increased pressure put upon them to succeed by their parents.

    I suppose there are merits to examinations but it can't be the sole measure of the worth of an individual. Practical experience counts as well.

    By the end of the day, a truely successful person would know how to talk the talk (academic) and walk the walk (practical).

    As for me, i better pass this exams ASAP lest i waste to much time learning how to 'talk'

    Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    Flowy skirts....yummy!

    I think flowy skirts are just hot

    really, they are. Girls in flowy skirts tend to set my heart a fluttering... with their graceful walk and their sweeping frills...hmmm..the epitome of beauty

    Flowy skirts are way better than hot pants or tight jeans. Although nice to look at, they do not leave much to the imagination, whereas flowy skirts tease the viewer with what mannerism of grace lies beneath the undulating flows of the skirt.

    Flowy skirts can usually be worn with tops of any choice, but personally i think it goes best with a tight-fitting blouse. Like the woman in this picture:

    Flowy skirts also are regularly worn by those sexy, gyrating belly dancers (for that matter, i find belly dancers to be hot as well!) which captures the fluidity and seamless transition of the dance:


    Flowy skirts, you belong on my ever-increasing list of weaknesses




    Have you ever wondered why there is no such thing as a 'Conservative International'?

    Heh, thats because conservatives are too busy fighting with each other to be able to agree on anything.

    It seems that conservatives from opposing parties always seems to be at each other's throats and not realise that if they took the effort to understand the views of one another to achieve greater goals together.

    Or then again, perhaps i'm one helluva idealistic liberal.

    I have come into several conservatives in my relatively short time on this earth.

    One one hand, i appreciate that its more often the conservatives that reaffirm the rule of law and the standards of morality, but on the other hand it seems that they will disagree on the most inane, obscure of topics. Even small matters like movies and certain articles are pounced upon by them and if not to their liking, they will rip it apart with little regard with the feelings of others.

    Perhaps their strengths lie in their abilities to appeal to niche groups of supporters. Generally conservatives tend to be based upon religion or race or any particular ideology. They also tend to make verbose promises to forward the interests of that group.

    Conservatives are a popular group to leverage upon, however they can be very volatile and they would no sooner turn their back on you as soon as you conflict with their ideas.

    It would be interesting to learn the arts of harnessing the powers of the conservatives without having it blow up in my face

    Monday, May 01, 2006

    Me? A Liberal?

    I've never had a very clear perception what liberalism was all about..

    Often i percieved liberals as those who simply refused to adhere to what they call 'old-fashioned brouhaha'. The word liberal usually followed my thoughts with images of naked bodies rubbing against each other in one sweaty orgy...

    It seemed like good fun, but it wasn't me...

    well, at least that was what i thought.

    recently i had the chance to sit in a talk given by Lord Alderdice, president of Liberal International.

    He is a rather large, roundish man with much facial hair. Thats him in the photo

    So he started off by talking about his experience, growing up in the violent era of Protestant-Catholic conflict in Ireland, when people got shot in the streets and bombings were common.. not too different from Iraq today.

    He explained to us how the Catholics were sidelined in the north and how, after realizing that they were being treated as second-class citizens began an uprising against the Protestant majority.

    He went on tho recall how he joined a liberal party with a bunch of other like minded protestants and catholics in the hopes that they could bridge the gap between the two conflicting parties.

    It was a long process he says, one with much obstacles, the biggest being the fact that conservatives parties on both sides shunned them.

    eventually peace did come about, albeit 25 years later, but it did come about...

    Although he did not say it outright, Northern Ireland today owes some of it thanks to the efforts of the liberal party.

    So what is liberalism?

    Well, in the words of Lord Alderdice,

    Liberaliam is the pursuit of freedom and the generosity of spirit.

    in other words, Liberalism advocates understanding and co-existence between different parties. It advocates freedom within reasonable boundaries. And it also finds a way to bring people together to work towards common issues in a way where it benefits everyone.

    Liberalism should not be confused with the freedom nonsense being shitted out by Bush. What his administration (which is staunchly conservative) has done is that they have taken noble ideals and made a mockery of them by violently forcing it down the throats of others.

    A liberal is not necessarily un-religious. A lot of liberal thinkers are religious people, in fact some of the more prominent liberal thinkers like John Locke and Friedrich Naumann were theologists. It is in fact, because of religion that one becomes a liberal, for there is no religion that does not promote understanding and co-existence with one another.

    A liberal is a person who understands that education is the key to better understanding amongst the members of society. He/She is a person who realises that he/she should understand people and get them to understand each other. They are the advocates of peaceful solutions to any problem. A liberal seeks to pool the strengths of different parties to work towards common goals.

    A liberal is a person who facilitates the healing of society and leaves no one out, be they socialist, capitalist, conservative, fundamentalist or any other new, unknown denomination.

    Well, at least that was the idea that i got from Lord Alderdice's talk.

    Then i realised that perhaps, i myself am a Liberal.

    I seek to understand others

    I have a strong desire to learn

    And I have a strong urge to share my knowledge with others

    I suppose that I am a Liberal...




    Why i choose to blog

    Ok, this would be the 3rd time that i am trying to set up a blog...again

    My previuos attempts were at thematic blogs.. unfortunately, something which was not suited for such a 'vibrant, dynamic, chameleonistic' person like me...

    but i digress..

    The reason that i choose to blog is because... uhm.. well... uhmm

    because everyone else is doing it...

    there, i said it..

    I am a victim of peer pressure


    yeah, besides, it would be nice to have an online portfolio kinda thing going on.. kewlness!

    But i'm not succunbing to peer pressure in the sense that i do it because all my friends are doing it.. for that matter i don't 'friendster' or 'myspace' and bitch and mope and whine over why no one has given a freaking testi...

    I succumb because i see that it is an opportunity for me to gain minor celebrity status online.


    Won't be long before i'll be signing e-autographs

    keep posted!